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about the artist:

Quote:“Art is born of inspiration and evolves into an emotional release of energy.”

Born:Bayshore - Long Island, New York

Raised:Schwenksville, Pennsylvania

Resides: San Diego, California

Career Date:January, 2010

Background:Bachelor's Degree in Fine Art

- Tyler School of Art - Philadelphia, PA & Rome, Italy

Favorite Medium:Bronze

Signature Style: Whimsical Surrealism & Fantasy filled with intense detail & light-hearted sarcasm.

Artistic Statement: While attending school in Italy, I was inspired by the old Renaissance masters who were able to carve the human form with perfect detail and emotional depth. This style initially charged my interest to begin ceramic sculpting in 2010. I wanted to capture hidden feelings and express people in their most private state, both mentally and physically in keeping with a classical style.

However, my sculptures evolved as I found working in bronze offered me the ability to refine my details and express more emotions. Stories began forming and the pieces took on new lives and meanings. I always knew I had a deep fascination with twisted realities and surreal fantasies, but now I felt I could express things I could never capture before. It was a though bronze sculpting released my whimsical, and sometimes sarcastic, sense of humor.

So, with combining these two styles, the hope is that my creations will engage the viewer and draw them into their realm. I want the viewer to question what they see, have a good laugh, revel in the story I've created or inspire them to create one of their own.

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